Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Ok here follows my animation playblast. I must say animating all the stalagmites was a really tedious job... And the rig itself sucks, so I couldn't pull off everything I'd like to put in the animaiton.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Final "God rays"

The light and rays got somewhere to the point where I'm quite happy with what I see, so I will be working on the animation of the monster and after that I'll delve deeper into SSS of the monster...

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Test render

The scene is coming to the final look I'm going for. There's still work to be done on the ceiling in terms of modelling. Also  the matte painting will be improved, because right now i have a quick 15 min roughed in background. The "god rays" are still work in progress, because I want to experiment with different versions of shapes, intensity, etc. 

and here's a bright rays version (very quick setup, the contrast will be changed back to normal, but i might use bright rays on the right, because i like how they work with the character)

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Video test

So here's my video test - crude cutout from the green screen and simple composition with one render. Just to check how it works together. Also now I'll be able to make a final decision about composition of
the shot.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Subsurface scattering test

Here's my SSS test. I'm still working on the material, but it's already moving towards the look, I wanted to achieve.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Render test.

Modelling of the monster is almost done. I'll do some more work on the slug's body and that's it.  Those are test renders with high-poly mesh (lower part 500 polygons, inner mouth with teeth - 400k), bump maps and the approximate light setup i'll have. Models don't have any textures, just blinn applied to them. All in all so far it works fine -  renders one frame in 30 seconds.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

My personal schedule

Week 2: Shoot the video, rough in monster's body.
              Thursday: Start the body.
              Friday: Shoot the video.
              Saturday-Sunday: Do whatever I haven't done on thursday-friday, start going into details.
Week 3: Finish the body.
               Monday: Work on the mouth area.
               Tuesday: Do the eyes, finish the mouth.
               Wednesday: Do the inner mouth. Gums, teeth, tongue.
               Thursday: Finish the mouth. Model tusks.
               Friday: Finish in the head area whatever needs to be finished. Create tentacles and the present box.
               Sat-Sun: UV the monser.
Week 4: Mudbox the Monster. Texture it.
               Monday: Detail general stuff on the body like dimples and folders. Start on more fine details.
               Tuesday: Continue on the details. Work on the skin.
                Wednesday: Finish mudbox part. Start painting textures.
               Thursday: Continue painting textures (rocks and the slug)
                Saturday: Finish texture painting.
                Sunday: Work with SSS.
Week 5: Blend shapes. Cut myself out of the green screen.
               Monday: Continue fighting with SSS. If I see that it's not going anywhere - drop the idea for now. If I'm getting some nice results - continue my SSS endeavors.
               Tuesday: Create a mouth shut blend shape. Start working on in-between shapes.
               Wednesday: Finish blend shapes.
               Thursday-Friday: Cut myself out of the green screen.
               Sat-Sun: Cut whatever else I need to cut and finish with blend shapes if I need to.
Week 6: Animate the monster. Set up the light.
               Monday: Start animating (no blocking stages)
               Tuesday-Friday: Finish the animation.
               Saturday: Setup the volume light from one of the monster's tentacles.
               Sunday: Setup the rest of the light. Test render.
Week 7: Bring everything in Nuke. Start the comp.
               Monday: Setup render layers. Render everything.
               Tuesday:  Bring all that stuff into Nuke. Build a general comp tree.
               Wednesday:  Do color correction.  Work on DOF.
               Thursday: Finish color correction, DOF.
               Friday-Sunday: Continue working in Nuke. Re-render whatever needs to be re-rendered.
Weeks 8: Finish the comp. Do the icing on the cake.